Friday, July 30, 2010

How fabulous was...

Les Mills School of Fitness! Is anyone else's biceps and triceps a tad sore? I cannot wait for the next session! What did you most enjoy and what did you want to focus on next time?

How are you feeling about the Cross Country, the course is 2.4k, why don't you go on google map and work out from your home how a far 2.4k run is and go on a jog and time yourself, everyone that does this is eligible for not only 4 raffles but 15 minutes bonus free time!

The other thing I want to know is, what is the general perception of getting the homework on a Friday? what do your folks think and what do you think? Do you really think it will make a difference in getting it completed on time?

Ok team , have a super cool weekend out there! especially to you awesome bloggers! you know who you are!!

Ms D

Monday, July 26, 2010

Week 2 ...I'll try again! (oops technical difficulties!)

Some awesome work happening in Room 7, we are all working on our fabo stories, reread Chapter one and we'll email in your stories by the end of the week! Show your parents the writing competition!

Well done to Lola and Connor for having their work published in the Extra! newspaper! A huge achievement as they receive work from schools all over the country! Yay to you guys!!

I have put a few dates on the side for you, make sure you and your folks have these in your calendar!

Keep up the great blogging!!
Ms D

Have you voted for the maggi competition yet? make sure you do because the winning school will win $5000! wow!

Week 2

Monday, July 19, 2010

Week 1

Hello my lovely Room 7

It was really so great to see all your smiling faces at school today, lots with haircuts and lots with growth spurts over the holidays!

I had a really neat day and can't wait to get stuck into our learning this term, I know the body and all our learning around that topic will be exciting and new for you all....we also have SPEECHES coming up this term, that is where you present a 3minute speech on a topic of your choice to the class. Wow, both those topics alone will be a challenge for you all. Oh and rock climbing, yes that's right, we go rock climbing at Long Beach later on in September.

Here's a question for you....what's the largest bone in the body?

Well done to Connor, Bayley, Caitlin, Jase and Jake G who commented on the blog over the last few days!

See you tomorrow for our first round of hard out cross country training!

Ms D

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I will see you all in 4 sleeps!!! Wow! I can't wait to have a catch up with you all really soon! I hope you've all had a fantastic break and are relaxed and ready for some fantastic learning!!

The first 5 people to comment will receive 5 raffles each!!!

See you soon!
Ms D